Fluffige Taler zum Eintunken: Zucchinipuffer mit Feta und Tzatziki

Fluffige Taler zum Eintunken: Zucchinipuffer mit Feta und Tzatziki

Fluffige Taler zum Eintunken: Zucchinipuffer mit Feta und Tzatziki

Introduction to Zucchinipuffer

Ready to dive into the world of German cuisine? Let’s explore Zucchinipuffer with Feta and Tzatziki, a delicious, fluffy and wholesome meal that’s perfect for both casual dining and special occasions. But what makes this dish so special? Let’s delve deeper and find out!

The Essential Ingredients

Zucchini: A Versatile Vegetable

Zucchini, a summer squash, plays a starring role in Zucchinipuffer. Its mild flavor and versatility make it ideal for creating these savory pancakes. Zucchini not only provides a smooth texture but also is rich in antioxidants and high in fiber.

Feta: A Flavorful Addition

Next, the inclusion of Feta cheese takes the dish to the next level. This Greek cheese, known for its crumbly texture and tangy, salty taste, adds an exquisite flavor profile that perfectly complements the zucchini.

Tzatziki: A Tangy Complement

Finally, our Zucchinipuffer wouldn’t be complete without a dip into Tzatziki. This Greek yogurt-based sauce is a tangy, refreshing complement to the savory pancakes, making every bite a culinary delight.

The Art of Preparing Zucchinipuffer

Preparation of Zucchinipuffer

Grating the Zucchini

The first step in creating Zucchinipuffer is grating the zucchini. This step is vital because it affects the texture of the puffer. Remember, grating too coarsely or too finely can affect the outcome.

Mixing the Ingredients

The grated zucchini is then mixed with crumbled feta, eggs, and flour, forming a thick batter. Each component works harmoniously, ensuring the resulting pancakes are flavorful and have the desired fluffy texture.

Frying the Puffer

The last step involves frying the batter in a hot, oiled pan. Each pancake should be golden and crispy on

Zutaten für 4 Portionen:

450 g Zucchini
150 g Feta
1/2 Bund Dill
1/2 Bund Petersilie
1 Jalapeno
1 Ei
30 g Mehl
Salz, Pfeffer
2 Esslöffel Öl
200 g Tzatziki

1. Zucchini trimmen und raspeln. In ein Sieb geben und mit 1 EL Salz vermengen, ca. 5 Minuten ziehen lassen.

2. Feta zerkrümeln. Dill, Petersilie und Jalapeno hacken. Ei verquirlen.

3. Zucchiniraspeln mit den Händen ausdrücken und mit Feta, Kräutern, Jalapeno und Ei vermengen. Mehl nach und nach unterrühren und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.

4. Öl in einer Pfanne erhitzen. Einige Löffel Zucchinimasse in die Pfanne geben und zu Talern formen. Im heißen Öl 5-7 Minuten knusprig ausbacken, auf Küchenpapier abtropfen lassen. Mit Tzatziki servieren.

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